#208 – For His Glory, “Kingdom” Scriptures

FOR HIS GLORY is an online study that I am working on, free to all. Each chapter will be broken into portions that are appropriate for posting, and then I will post a pdf of the whole chapter. The entire Chapter 1, “In the Beginning,” is now available. If some cannot open pdf’s I will…

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#207, In the Beginning, D

Excerpt D from Chap. 1 in FOR HIS GLORY Free Will, God’s Way with ManThe ability to choose our god and to then make moral choices, is the hallmark of the spectacular, spiritually colorful, God-man relationship that we were created for! The spiritual intimacy and abundance portrayed in FOR HIS GLORY is hardly possible otherwise.…

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#206 – In the Beginning, C

Excerpt C from Chap. 1 in FOR HIS GLORY Satan, Sin and ManSatan was an angel who rebelled against God and was kicked out of heaven. He infected other angels and is obsessed with influencing humans to follow them. His nature is exactly the opposite of God’s in every way. When we read the story…

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#205 – In the Beginning, B

FOR HIS GLORY, Chap. 1, B ManGod is a spirit, and He formed man as body, soul and spirit.* The word “soul” comes from the Greek psyche (Strong’s G5590). It speaks of our mind, will and emotions and is where our desires and affections reside. Our spirit is the part of us that is made…

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#204 – In the Beginning, A

FOR HIS GLORY, Chap. 1, “In the Beginning,” A “Then God created mankind in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”* God and His GardenGod created a perfect world with its spectacular solar system and more, and He made a beautiful place called “The Garden…

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#203 – The Intended Rhapsody*

THIS, is what FOR HIS GLORY is about! As lions were made for the jungle, fish for the sea and birds for the air, so “man” was made for the Garden where he was a complete being through his Spirit-to-spirit communion with Creator God. Our sin-cursed world is not what God had in mind for…

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#202 – For His Glory

The forthcoming study FOR HIS GLORY is an overwhelmingly positive look into four topics. First, it is about the spiritually extravagant life of the Kingdom of God, which includes the most crucial element of life in the Garden of Eden. Secondly, it is about the defining characteristic of man as a free moral agent, which…

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#201 – Update on Elaine. Sunday!

I have been off of social media and it’s time for an update. Sunday was the first that we were able to “go to church” since early November, and it was wonderful. We thank God over and over. It is uncomfortable for Elaine to sit long, so we went a bit late but in time…

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#200 – Ring that Ebenezer Bell!

There are times to celebrate and this is one of them! Elaine had her eighth and final Rituxan infusion yesterday at The Wooster Cancer Center of the Wooster Community Hospital, which collaborates with the James Cancer Center of Ohio State University, in Columbus, OH. It went well, as we had come to expect. Dr. Prah…

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#199B – An Unretractable Blunder

I tried going to bed late last night after posting #199 here and then on Facebook, but it didn’t work very well. There was just something about the post that wasn’t right. I got up, fired up my computer, revised it a bit on Facebook, shut my computer down again and went back to bed.…

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