#218 – The Prostitute Bride – A Weekend Read

Ken Stoltzfus, Winter 1978-79Minor grammatical revisions Oct. 5, 1987An allegory, long, but best read in one sitting I – A Beautiful Young LadyA beautiful young lady  who seemed to be perfect in every way  was captured by a vicious and wicked man  who took her away into captivity. A strong young man knew of her…

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#217 – Beauty

O worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness: fear before him, all the earth.* Chapter 4 in FOR HIS GLORY isn’t ready yet so we’ll try this. Beauty is sensual. It stirs the senses. Thus our inner being is stirred by a glorious sunrise or sunset, a snowcapped mountain, a colorful bird, or a…

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#216 – A People for God, 4

Part 4 of Chap. 3 in FOR HIS GLORY The Big “If”Something else that hasn’t changed is the conditional “if’ of Moses and Joshua*, and Jesus said “if” again and again as a condition for Kingdom Life. Man’s disobedience led to original sin, and his choices have always defined his relationship with God. Today, as…

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#215 – A People for God, 3

Part 3 of Chap. 3 in FOR HIS GLORY AlwaysThis chapter’s main text connects us with God’s actions in the Old Testament, and with His eternal purposes, and Paul confirms it for today in Titus.** God wants His people to know that they are His, and are to live for Him. In Ezekiel He says,…

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#214 – A People for God, 2

Part 2 of Chap. 3 in FOR HIS GLORY A SolutionSo, God crafted Israel as His own people amidst all the other peoples. They would be marked by His presence, favored by Him, and used by Him to show His glory to other nations.* We know that the Church is now where God rules and…

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#213 – A People for God, 1

Part 1, Chap. 3 in FOR HIS GLORY But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.* CREATED FOR HIS GLORYWe read** that God created man for His glory. Think of…

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#212 – After the Beginning, D

Excerpt D from Chap. 2 in FOR HIS GLORYCLICK HERE for a printable pdf of the entire Chapter 2. A Fresh StartPlease take time now to read https://biblia.com/bible/niv2011/romans/5/6-21. Think about how far Adam and Eve “fell,” from life in the Garden to the darkness of Satan’s world, and note the four times that “much more…

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#211 – After the Beginning, C

Excerpt C from Chap. 2 in FOR HIS GLORY The Kingdom of GodIn the original sin event, the dominion over the earth that God had entrusted to man was forfeited to Satan. He became prince, ruler and god of this world.* Such is the spirit environment we are born into, and as long as we…

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#210 – After the Beginning, B – Hallelujah!

Excerpt B from Chap. 2 in FOR HIS GLORY When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins.* God’s PlanThe Father would send His Only Son, Jesus, to take our sins upon Himself. Jesus would accept the punishment…

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#209 – After the Beginning, A

Excerpt A from Chap. 2 in FOR HIS GLORY – – but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.* The ConsequencesAs God had warned them*, something inside of man died(1) when they disobeyed Him.    They were driven…

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