So Many Unknowns But – –

To my former 10Minas Blog Readers: I have been posting almost daily on Facebook (Ken Stoltzfus – Kidron) but am now putting the same messages here because of concerns about FB’s censoring of Christian-related materials. Here is my latest post there. More tomorrow! ———————- SO MANY UNKNOWNS BUT – – I’ve never KNOWN a time…

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#17 – What’s Your R.O.I.?

Little in life better defines which of the two spirit-kingdoms we find our core identity in, then what we do with our money. “Follow the money” doesn’t only apply to politicians. ROI is a measure used to evaluate the performance of an investment, or to compare one investment to another. Should Christians look at that…

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#16 – The Value of a Dollar

What can a dollar do? Or $10, or $50 or $100? And then there’s 1,000 of them, and then 10,000, and on to 100,000 – – and it just keeps going. Money talks. It has power! It promises to fill our stomach, or meet other immediate but short-lived needs. It can promise to make friends…

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#15 – Padlocked Bibles

Few of the people groups who need the scriptures in their heart language can speak English. Fortunately, there are usually some bilingual speakers among them who can translate from scriptures in their second language, and it becomes a “source text” for the new translation. (See Blog #14) However, a big obstacle is that most previous…

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#14 – Opening the Gates

Every new Bible translation needs a source text, an accurate and easily understandable translation to work from. Nearly every people group in the world has some bilingual speakers in one of 44 known “Gateway Languages” (GLs). These 44 each open the gates for access to many, often hundreds of, local languages and dialects. Unfolding Word…

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#13 – We’ve GOT to Talk

We are in deep waters these days. Unprecedented threats are coming at us personally and as the Church, and the differences among us will lead to disaster if we don’t act humbly, wisely and quickly. Somehow, we must get our heads together to face these challenges. Read on. I came upon those pretty airplanes in…

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#12 – Reaching the Nations

GUP479 #2*The technological revolution from 3×5 file cards to modern high-powered computers and their amazing software for Bible translation, is only part of how God is methodically working in our day for the sake of the nations. In blog #10 I described how He is calling the established Church in the far corners of the…

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#11 – Unmasking

*CLAC#2Have you felt the discomfort and the avoidance of eye contact when maskers and non-maskers meet? Sure you have! Don’t you feel kinship with those like you and un-social-distancing from “them?” Well, we haven’t seen anything yet. Wait ‘til “the vaccine” and the chip are the projected solutions to the pandemic, and those who accept…

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#10 – A New Day

GUP479 #1* Can this incredible celebration happen today if there are still 2-3,000 people groups who don’t have the scripture in their mother tongue? These hundreds of millions of men, woman and children can’t hear the Good News in a language that touches their hearts. But something is happening that is bigger than man, and…

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#9 – A Chosen Race — so that – –


But you are A CHOSEN RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR God’s OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; CLAC #6 – A series on Christians Living Amidst Chaos It’s easy for God’s people to forget…

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