#28 – The Time is NOW

FREE BOOK ON HOUSE CHURCHESYou NEED This! NOW is the time to begin to learn about HOUSE CHURCHES or similar alternatives to traditional church services, many of which will not sustain us in the Day to come. Attitudes toward faith that is based on the exclusiveness of Jesus Christ as the way to heaven, and…

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#27 – The Harvest Workers – B

THE HARVEST WORKERS – B(See part A, yesterday) Transformed passions and a new focus in life will mark the Church that is now being formed in the hearts of many. As God prepares us to bring in the harvest, we will come to care more about His Kingdom and His purposes then about things of…

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#26 – The Harvest Workers – A

THE HARVEST WORKERS – A Jesus was kind and gentle, but He also made strong statements and communicated high expectations for His followers. The Great Commission was a command, not a suggestion. It applies to all who claim to be His disciples, to be expressed in the ways that He custom-crafts for each one. As…

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#25 – Sowing the Seed

SOWING THE SEED One will view “investment” differently if we approach it from the standpoint of “increase” having to do with bringing souls into the Kingdom, and our eternal reward, instead of earthly benefits. God prospered us for His Kingdom purposes but until now we haven’t taken that seriously. I take seriously the likelihood that…

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#24 – Our Place of Peace

OUR PLACE OF PEACE There’s nothing like God’s Word to instruct and comfort us in times of uncertainty and its fear-inducing imaginations. It is backed up by His power, His character, and His love for us, and gives us a rock to stand on even as frightening waves come crashing over us. Let’s start with…

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#23 – The Institutional Church

THE INSTITUTIONAL CHURCH Someone asked what I mean by the “Institutional Church.” (IC) An institution is an organized social unit of any size which uses designated leaders and enforceable rules to influence peoples’ behavior. Members typically have a common sense of purpose, and shared values and beliefs which help give them identity and unity. Family,…

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#22 – Counterfeit or Real?

COUNTERFEIT OR REAL? Any-one or any-thing that draws the eyes of my heart away from Jesus is a worthless counterfeit. However, it can still have the power to cheat me out of the priceless gifts of righteousness, peace and joy that are mine in Christ. But how do we know when we are being deceived?…

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#21 – By the Word of the Lord

In Jesus’ Name, may it be as settled in our hearts as it is in the heavens! By the word of the Lord the heavens were made,    their starry host by the breath of his mouth.7 He gathers the waters of the sea into jars;    he puts the deep into storehouses.8 Let all the earth fear the Lord;    let all…

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#20 – Jeremiah’s Call

Many of you know of my sense that America could only come to this place of chaos because we Christians have not been her preserving salt and guiding light. We’ve been too interested in pursuing the American Dream. But Jesus is coming back for a bride who is “a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle…

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#19 – Help For the Saints

HELP FOR THE SAINTSHere are some resources to help you think through current and upcoming events. Most can be read online, downloaded onto your device and/or printed. If plans for Jan. 20 continue as now generally assumed, it probably won’t be long before Christian-base web sites like www.john2031.com will be considered hate speech and will…

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