#38 – Misnomers – 2

THIS IS BIGSaints, this is Life-altering. The truth that God’s Presence literally moved from a tabernacle or a temple, to being inside of us, changes everything about everything. EVERYthing. Yes, the “Jesus” who walked on this earth – – the Son of God who spoke Truth, healed the sick, raised the dead, and loved us…

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#37 – Misnomers – 1

MISNOMERS – #1 I happened upon Nehemiah ten recently and noticed that “the house of the Lord,” or “the house of our God,” was used nine times there. (nasb) It was a familiar term that got me to thinking. Really now, don’t we often think of our church building as being “God’s house,” or “the…

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#36 – Getting Ready

GETTING READY In case you wondered, God has quieted me for a while. I am to seek Him and invite Him to go deeper into my own soul before I continue posting on social media for others. It was like He bolted the door. It has been a humbling time of heart-searching, reading, learning about…

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#35 – House Churches – 3

HOUSE CHURCHES – 3 I feel compelled to advance the house church concept for three reasons. First, because of observations I shared in the Jan. 24 post “The Time is NOW,” and secondly because it was the model of the early Church. The Church was not an institution as we know it for the first…

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#34 – A Lesson from Africa

A LESSON FROM AFRICA In 1997 I was the manager of a missionary aviation program in Africa, with aircraft also based in a neighboring country where a rebellion was taking place. (Welcome to Africa!) Our missionaries and aircraft were at risk. The rebels were advancing toward our mission base and airstrip, so our people decided…

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#33 – House Church – 2

HOUSE CHURCH – 2 It seems imperative to me that the Church, the Body of Christ worldwide, become better informed about house churches and similar forms of gathering. * Please read/download chapter 11, “When You Come Together,” in Felicity Dale’s book “Getting Started.” You will be blessed by this easy-read intro to how house church can…

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#32 – Caught Off Guard

CAUGHT OFF GUARD I have thought of Elaine and myself as being mid-range people in life, i.e. clothing, vehicles, restaurants, vacations and so forth. It’s been a purposeful principle of life. However, this notion was just put to the test. We were considering replacing our 2014 Toyota RAV4 with one with a power liftgate because…

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#31 – The Vine and the Branches

THE VINE AND THE BRANCHES Don’t be lulled into tranquility by an appearance of relative quietness in our land. This is the quiet before the storm. We’re in the eye of the hurricane. We need vigilance like never before. If you need a little wake-up call, listen to Jonathan Cahn’s 13-minute prophetic word on YouTube.…

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#30 – The Warrior BRIDE

The Warrior BRIDE – BSee Part A, Yesterday So, we are not just warriors for what is right, but for our passion and love for our coming King. It’s the purity that is because of intimacy in our relationship with Christ. It’s a covenantal relationship that holds even if we lose our lives. Sika Ulutoa:…

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#29 – The WARRIOR Bride – A

THE WARRIOR BRIDEPart A – THE WARRIOR Sika Ulutoa* commented on my Jan. 19 Facebook post, THE INSTITUTIONAL CHURCH, with this. “Amen. We will rise to our Place as the BoC (Body of Christ) in this world as we approach our coming King. The BoC could also be called The Bride of Christ. The Warrior…

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