#48 – Something Better, 7

SOMETHING BETTER – 7 The NeedThe captivating need for a god that we described yesterday is a common denominator of “man” regardless of gender, nationality, education, wealth, religion or anything else that distinguishes us as individuals. Even the “natives” in the remotest jungles have their form of a god. It might be the sun or…

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#47 – Something Better, 6

SOMETHING BETTER – 6 Can you feel that compulsive “something” inside of you that begs for significance? For identity, purpose, and approval by others? Sure you can! That’s the human spirit, the part of you that God formed in His own image, and it is longing for the intimacy with Him that you were created…

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#46 – Something Better, 5

SOMETHING BETTER – 5You know my sense that the popular model of “church” will not enable us to survive and thrive in the Day to come. A Day that isn’t far off. You also know that I believe that there is a better way. I’m doing an online course on Simple/House Church with Roger Thoman,…

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#45 – Something Better, 4

SOMETHING BETTER, 4 THE BODY OF CHRISTThe Church is “The Body of Christ” that Jesus established and which He indwells by His Spirit. It represents the presence and purposes of the Father today, as He did 2000 years ago. The Church is relationally-based, purpose-driven and spirit in nature. It is without walls and is present…

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#44 – Something Better, 3

SOMETHING BETTER – 3 PROVOKING“And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works.” Hebrews ten twenty-four, kjv. Now there’s something that you’ll find in the authentic Body of Christ but rarely in the Institutional Church! Don’t we often think of provoking as a negative thing? But it’s also a positive…

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#43 – Something Better, 2

ASSEMBLING, EXHORTING Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” (Hebrews ten twenty-five, kjv) Does God’s Word here assume that exhorting is a natural part of assembling? Exhortation* implies active, interpersonal engagement in helping each…

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#42 – Something Better, 1

SOMETHING BETTER – 1Picking up from MISNOMERS #2 on March 5 – – viewing ourselves as “the temple of the living God” totally redefines how we go about being His people. It gives us a wonderful new sense of identity and purpose which altogether reshape our relationship with Him and with others. We function so…

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#41 – Renovation, Part 3

RENOVATION – 3 BUILDINGWe build and expand our deluxe church facilities, often rationalizing that such are needed to win the lost. The fact is, we need them to sustain our religion more than to extend the Gospel. Renovated hearts that are surrendered to the rule of Jesus as we take up our cross daily to…

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#40 – Renovation, Part 2

RENOVATION, Part 2 of 3 BLESSEDAmerica was blessed with unprecedented opportunity when God entrusted boundless resources to us in the context of American freedom and an economic system that fostered their development. They were given to enable us to fulfill the Great Commission but we are consuming them upon ourselves. We measure success in life…

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#39 – Renovation, Part 1

RENOVATION – 1 of 3 We’ll pick up on the MISNOMER theme soon, but first, three on RENOVATION. To renovate, is to tear out the old and replace it with the new. It is typically resisted by those who find security in things as they are but met with enthusiasm by those who envision something…

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