#78 – The Jesus Survey, 1 of 4

“HOW ARE WE DOING?” We get many “How are we doing” surveys these days – – our last visit to the auto repair shop or to the doctor, our tax-preparer and others. They want our opinion so they can serve us better. Jesus isn’t with us physically today to ask him face to face, so…

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#77 – Words that Endure, Mt. 24:32-41

Jesus, Son of God “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. 33 Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door. 34 Truly I tell you, this generation will…

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#76 – Words that Endure, Psa. 9:7

THE LORD REIGNS FOREVERThe Lord reigns forever;    he has established his throne for judgment.8 He rules the world in righteousness    and judges the peoples with equity.9 The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed,    a stronghold in times of trouble.10 Those who know your name trust in you,    for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.*THE FOUNDATION OF HIS THRONERighteousness…

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#75 – An Apostolic Prayer for Today, Eph. 1:17-23

The Apostle Paul prays – – – – that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ,the Father of glory,will give to you a spirit of wisdom and revelationin the knowledge of him,18 that the eyes of your heart may be enlightenedso that you may know what is the hope of his callingand what are the…

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#74 – Words That Endure, Eccles. 12:13-14

THE CONCLUSION, WHEN ALL HAS BEEN SAID, IS – – The conclusion,when everything has been heard,is: fear God and keep His commandments,because this applies to every person.For God will bring every act to judgment,everything which is hidden,whether it is good or evil.* Do we tremble at the thought of the law of gravity? Probably not.…

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#73 – Words That Endure, 1

Grace to you and peacefrom God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ,4 the one who gave himself for our sinsso that he might deliver us from this present evil age,according to the will of our God and Father,5 to him be the glory forever and ever. Amen.* Do your eyes see the power of…

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#72 – Free Will, 5 of 5

ITS TRUE!THAT expresses the heart of God for man. Do we believe it for ourselves or do we have a scarcity mentality? And do we believe it for the lost – – our neighbor or the witch doctor in the deepest darkness in the remotest parts of the world where the Gospel has never reached?…

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#71 – Free Will, 4 of 5

Well, I keep adding to this series but I think there’ll only be one more! A belief system that does not advance personal choice in being born again, gives a foggy view of God, man, the God-man relationship, and the Church. Yes, the Kingdom of God is an autocracy, where supreme power is in the…

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#70 – Free Will, 3 of 4

DO WE – –Do we cherish free-will because it frees us to love, worship and serve God, or is it mostly that we can “accept Christ” to avoid hell when we die? Is obeying, serving, and pleasing God burdensome or exhilarating? Does it handicap or liberate us? Is it in the forefront of our minds…

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#69 – Free Will, 2 of 4

THE SOVEREIGNTY OF GODReading the book of Revelation should convince anyone of the sovereignty of God without needing to believe that He predestines some to heaven and others to eternal damnation with no choice of their own. His sovereignty is also proven in that He has pre-determined the present and eternal results of man’s moral…

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