#108 – Set Your Mind

FIRST OF ALL. . .Satan’s spirit realm is the natural go-to source for descendants of Adam when trying to satisfy our spiritual, physical, and emotional needs, but it can never truly satisfy. However, those who hear the Gospel can switch kingdoms through faith in Jesus; repenting of their rebellion; and taking up their cross daily…

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#107 – Abide in Me, 6

LIMITED OPTIONS . . .We know that God and Satan are both spirit in nature and that each rules a spirit realm. However, the fullness of joy and the abundant life that we were created for are only available in the Kingdom of God, and abiding in Christ is the only way to access them.…

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#106 – Abide in Me, 5

I OBSERVE THAT. . .For years I’ve observed that many who have the greatest zeal for Jesus, and who are the most servant-hearted without need for recognition, are persons in their second marriage or those with other known failures. That might sound counter-intuitive to some saints but its true. So, last Sunday on our way…

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#105 – Abide in Me, 4

“A QUESTION” REVISITEDI am grateful for and encouraged by the humble and transparent responses to my July 2 question (below) on Facebook. (Ken Stoltzfus – Kidron) Most were similar in spirit to my brother’s answer. He had paused for only a moment before saying, “It will cost me everything” – – the exact words I…

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#104 – Abide in Me, 3

The longer I consider “Abide in Me” the deeper it gets, and right now I’m in over my head. I need more time to process it before the Lord – – to listen and receive insight. For 50-plus years I’ve been trying to sort out how broken man can experience the abundant life of John…

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#103 – Abide in Me, 2

“These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full.” Jesus, * NEW JOYThis “full joy” comes when the hunger of our soul is met through our restored relationship with the Father through Jesus and His Life again flows into us through…

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#102 – Abide in Me, 1

“Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me.” Jesus* Sometimes we miss a powerful truth because we complicate a simple concept. The “abiding” that Jesus spoke of **might be an example. So How…

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#101 – How Much?

Would you agree that the purpose of the Church is to be the visible Body of Christ in the world?  That is, that representing Jesus and His passion for the souls of men, and being vessels through whom His Life naturally flows to others, is what we are to be about? And would you agree…

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#100 – To My Friends Beyond America’s Borders

This is for all, but especially for my friends in distant places. Many have become Facebook Friends or have Followed my posts since I last reminded you of free resources on my web site, at www.john2031.com/site_map_inspiration.html. Most documents are available as a printable pdf, a WORD document, and an html, and you may download, print,…

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#99 – Adventures in the Kingdom

STRANGERS NO MOREWell, we did it! Last Sunday evening seven gathered in our condo living room as the Body of Christ. The Church. Hours flew by in what seemed like minutes. Two were formerly strangers to Elaine and me, and none of the others had met before. We were, within minutes, “as one” as God’s…

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