#118 – The Rest of the Story, 2

THE HANDICAPPED ONES. . .We Christians are severely handicapped by an impoverished view of the Kingdom of God, and our inability to distinguish between the Church that Jesus is building and the organized “church” that we know. We act as though Jesus paid just enough for us to get into heaven when we die and…

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#117 – The Rest of the Story, 1

WHAT IF. . . What would it be like to be so fully satisfied in our soul that we didn’t need stuff, or the approval of others, or the satisfaction of getting our way, to make us feel good about ourselves? What if the circumstances of life couldn’t frazzle us or cause us to fear…

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#116 – Of the Day or Of the Night?

TIMELESS TRUTH. . .The timeless and cross-cultural nature of scripture is repeatedly confirmed. God’s Word continually proves to be beneficial to me an American, in 2021, for teaching me, rebuking me, correcting me, and training me in righteousness. I expect such every time I read it. And as one with the ministry gift of teaching,…

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#115 – An Important Update

We owe it to ourselves and those we love. . . . . . to, if possible, watch this important event on Tuesday, July 27 at 1:00 pm Eastern Time. AMERICAS FRONTLINE DOCTORS WHITE COAT SUMMIT https://live.aflds.org/ And/Or for more info and updates visit: https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/ CLICK HERE for a printable pdf

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#114 – Kingdoms at War?

War – “a state of armed conflict between different nations or states or different groups within a nation or state.” Oxford Languages Haven’t we historically thought of war as a physical battlefield with uniformed men in battle array who shoot at each other with bullets from guns? And don’t we tend to think of church…

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#113 – For Our Consideration

Darkness is covering the earth but let’s never forget that the Light of Jesus* is in us and that so many others need Him. This is the time for God’s people to embrace the Life of the Kingdom of God and to live in a way that others are drawn to our Lord Jesus! Here…

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#112 – Life in the Kingdom of God, 2

“ETERNAL LIFE”. . .Are we jubilant about the Kingdom life that Jesus offers when our communion with the Father is restored; our spirit is made alive;* and for the first time our soul-hunger can be fully met? Many Christians are not because we severely misunderstand “Eternal life” in three ways. 1) ETERNAL LifeFirst is that…

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#111 – Life In the Kingdom of God, 1

A “kingdom” is a place – – typically with borders, a ruler, subjects, laws, government, culture, resources, responsibilities, benefits, and a fighting force. Such is the Kingdom of God. Through Christ, God inserted His Kingdom into Satan’s territory on the earth. It is a monarchy with Christ as Head. Life in God’s Kingdom satisfies our…

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#110 – The Truth Is. . .

The truth is, that we humans have an unrelenting soul hunger for purpose, value, security, and approval. We call it “identity.” The truth is, that our identity must come from a source greater than and outside of ourselves, and the only two options are the spirit realms of God who rules in the Kingdom of…

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#109 – Jesus Said . . .

YES, JESUS SAID. . . “I am the true vine,and My Father is the vinedresser.2 Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit,He takes away;and every branch that bears fruit,He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit. 3 You are already cleanbecause of the word which I have spoken to you.4 Abide in Me, and…

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