#158 – We The Church, 7

CHURCH BY THE BONFIREA week ago tonight, Elaine and I were invited to a bonfire with 20-25 others. We had met one couple previously, but all the others were strangers to us and many had not previously met each other. We were young and old, born-again anywhere from two weeks to nearly 70-years ago, and…

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#157 – We The Church, 6

THE CALLED-OUT ONESIt is easy for us to think that because we go to church and avoid certain sins, we have obeyed Jesus’ call to come OUT OF the world. Further, we’ve been led to believe that we can retain our love for the world and the things of the world if we simply “accept…

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#156 – We The Church, 5

GOD’S HANDIWORKJesus didn’t intend to change us just enough to get into heaven when we die. He intends to transform us for our joy and to make us bearers of His image to draw others to Him. The holiness He calls us to isn’t just to keep us out of hell, it is to make…

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#155 – We The Church, 4

THE GLORIOUS CHURCHThe Church that Jesus had in mind is glorious. It is like finding a gold nugget in a chunk of coal. Like the rays of the sun bursting through a break in dark storm clouds. Like righteousness, peace and joy in a world of pervasive wickedness, endless conflict and gripping sadness. The Church…

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#154 – We the Church, 3

THE HOUSE BUILT ON THE ROCKThis Florida beachfront house, anchored on pilings sunk 40’ into the ground, withstood 155-mph winds while others were destroyed. Unless we change, much of “church” as we know it as individuals and as assemblies, will soon be blown down like the other houses. Many who claim to be Christians are…

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#153 – We The Church, 2

A big handicap for Christians today is that we don’t believe in the majesty and desirability of the Kingdom of God. We have been duped into believing that today’s institutional church is an authentic expression of God’s Kingdom on earth and we’re comfortable with that. I am deeply touched as I read of the Abundant…

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#152 – We The Church

Picking up from last time – – about 3:30 Sunday afternoon we went to “be the church” with some friends. There were 11 plus Jesus. Our Bible study leader had had a rough week and hadn’t prepared a lesson this time. Instead, she printed off some scriptures and put them in a basket that we…

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#151 – Got 15 Minutes?

What can you do in 15-minutes? NFL half-time is twelve-minutes and basketball is fifteen. You spend 15 minutes, four times, in a one-hour news or other tv show, which many Christians do multiple times daily on programs that add nothing of value to their life or well-being. Yesterday morning God took me to Revelation nineteen…

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#150 – These People Come Near to Me – – But – –

More in the “Jesus Said – -” series soon, but I need to share this for your weekend consideration. God has repeatedly taken me to two scriptures recently, in response to my inquiries about the church, “She has not acknowledged that I was the one who gave her the grain, the new wine and oil,…

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#149 – Jesus Said – -, 1

Jesus said, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”* Could this be as serious as it sounds? Is Jesus…

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