#168 – Of the Day or of the Night? (1)

NOTE: This was written for Nov. 6 but I apparently didn’t post it. Sorry! IRRELEVANT SCRIPTURE?Paul couldn’t write I Thessalonians five to most “evangelical” churches today. https://biblia.com/bible/esv/1-thessalonians/5/1-11 His opening line, “Now concerning the times and the seasons, brothers, you have no need to have anything written to you,” doesn’t fit us. We are either ignorant…

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#167 – The Authority of Truth

Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest, Nov. 4 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.* “It is essential that you give people the opportunity to act on the truth of God. The responsibility must be left with the individual— you cannot act for him. It must be his own deliberate…

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#166 – A Bond-Servant of Jesus

NOTE: Nobody needs this more than me. “Dear Jesus, may it be so.” Ken ————- Oswald Chambers, MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST, Nov. 3 “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me…” Galatians two twenty. “These words mean the breaking and collapse of my independence…

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#165 – Obedience or Independence?

Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest, Nov. 2 “If you love Me, keep My commandments.” * Our Lord never insists on obedience. He stresses very definitely what we ought to do, but He never forces us to do it. We have to obey Him out of a oneness of spirit with Him. That is…

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#164 – The True Church, 3

PORK CHOPSMy sense is that we ought to rethink how we can go about being the church. Our little Sunday evening group wouldn’t be meeting because some were away, and I was wondering what we’d do for fellowship last weekend. Sure enough, on Thursday a friend texted wondering if we’d come for supper Saturday. What…

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#163 – The True Church, 2

OUR CALLINGYesterday we saw that God’s expectation of His Church is lofty, clearly stated and purpose driven. We are to showcase the superiority of the life He offers as compared to Satan’s, so that others want Him too. There’s a lot of hurting people out there who are trying everything imaginable to appease their hunger…

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#162 – The True Church, 1

A MYSTERY, OR NOT?In this little series we’ll see that what constitutes the Church that Jesus intended is NOT a mystery, and why it’s not. And we’ll see that it IS a mystery, and why it is. Both are true and that’s part of the mystery. To start with, scripture is very clear about it.…

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#161 – We The Church, 10

YES, JESUS IS BUILDING HIS CHURCH Yes, Jesus IS building His Church as He said He would, but many can’t see it. They’re too fixated on their worldly lifestyle and on the church as they have known it. They are not alert to what is happening in the two spirit realms, that is, that God…

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#160 – We The Church, 9

JESUS IS BUILDING HIS CHURCHJesus IS building His Church as He said He would. Today. Amidst the deep darkness of this world. But where is it and what does it look like? How do we know it when we see it? Are we looking in the right places? HEARTSThe first thing is to know that…

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#159 – We The Church, 8

THE LAST 7 WORDS – –We humans find comfort and security in things as they are and often become restless with change. How we do church is a prime example. Most of us acknowledge that our society is profoundly different from 10 years ago, but many still can’t see that it effects “church.” Isaiah and…

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