#227 – 48-Bit Color, or Black & White?

Part 3 of 4, Chap. 5 in FOR HIS GLORY Piercing the VeilThe redemption and restoration that Jesus won for us is full color. And the Kingdom of God is filled with the dazzling light of Life for those who have eyes to see. Within it are all the delicacies that man craves to satisfy…

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#226 – 48-Bit Color or Black & White, 2

Part 2 of Chapter 5 in FOR HIS GLORY Now to him who is ableto do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine,according to his power that is at work within us,to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesusthroughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.* In My Beginning, Cont’d  God the…

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#225 – 48-Bit Color, or Black & White?

You will make known to me the path of life;In Your presence is fullness of joy;In Your right hand there are pleasures forever. Psalm Sixteen Eleven nasb Part 1 of 4, Chap. 5 in FOR HIS GLORY A QuestionWould you describe your sense of the Christian life as bursting with vivid colors or as more…

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#224 – A Word from the Lord?

This morning I was sitting here in my quiet place mulling over the fact that I was called to a meeting with church leadership last night and evicted from our Sunday School class. Only minutes after I sat down here, I got a text: “Just sitting here in the quick quietness of the morning listening…

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#223 – LIFE, In the Kingdom of God, 4

Part 4, Chap. 4 in FOR HIS GLORYCLICK HERE for a pdf of the entire Chapter 4 A Big ProblemOne problem is that we try to understand the things of God with our human minds, but we can’t. Paul writes “But a natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for…

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#222 – LIFE in the Kingdom of God, 3

Part 3 of 4, Chapter 4 in FOR HIS GLORY And Then – –As we diligently pursue Christ, the interests and appetites of the flesh will succumb to those of the Spirit. We will come to hate evil (Romans twelve, nine) because it creates distance in our intimacy with God, more than out of fear…

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#221 – LIFE, in the Kingdom of God, 2

Part 2 of 4, Chapter 4 in FOR HIS GLORY RestAs described in Chapter 1, man has an incessant need to satisfy his soul hunger. Until we are born again there is no rest from that. We are like a dog chasing its tail. It is only in the Kingdom of God that we find…

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#220 – LIFE, In the Kingdom of God, 1

I have come so that they might have life and might have it abundantly.* Part 1 of 4, Chapter 4 in FOR HIS GLORY The ChallengeYes, when we are born again we are “rescued from the dominion of darkness and transferred to the kingdom of God’s beloved Son”,** yet we continue to live in this…

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#219 – The Redeemed Ones

All ESV First Corinthians three, thirteen – Each one’s work will become manifest, for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done. Second Corinthians seven, one – Since we have these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from…

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#218 – The Prostitute Bride – A Weekend Read

Ken Stoltzfus, Winter 1978-79Minor grammatical revisions Oct. 5, 1987An allegory, long, but best read in one sitting I – A Beautiful Young LadyA beautiful young lady  who seemed to be perfect in every way  was captured by a vicious and wicked man  who took her away into captivity. A strong young man knew of her…

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