#7 – Watch the Ducks!

So, imagine that I was standing there facing west when these ducks flew by from right to left. Does one need to be a prophet or a conspiracy theory junkie to observe that they are going south? Does it need to be a political statement to observe that the momentum of just the past few…

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#6 – Voices from the Past – Grandmom

Grandmom Stoltzfus

I’ve read several current books recently, some of which God used to comfort and instruct me regarding the loss of a second son in January ’19. But I’ve also been reading those by saints of old including Oswald Chambers, Watchman Nee and others. Their focus on humility; taking up our cross daily to follow Jesus;…

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#5 – “5-4-3-2-1 Here I Come Ready or Not!”


When I was a young man, Father assigned me a rather menial and boring task outside of our hangar/shop. Part of the job required my full attention and another part only needed my effort every hour or so. I was working busily when Father came and said he needed to go somewhere in his Beechcraft…

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#4 – Opportunity Knocks

A Christian sister in another state recently wrote: “Our prayer request is for wisdom and God’s leading, as we have a quickly increasing opportunity to speak God’s love and truth into the lives of the many people around us. We haven’t ever had this many opportunities and open doors for conversations before but this is…

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#3 – “Covid-19” of the Brain. The-V.

We have become “The people of the Covid-19 Virus.” What important aspect of our society has remained untouched? Name one. What region of the world has escaped it’s crushing influence? None. This is big! Life is different now and there is no going back to the old normal. This is a new Day. “Covid-19” gives new…

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#2 – Perspective

CLAC #1 – A series on Christians Living Amidst Chaos Has this been a time of rethinking some things for you too? Thinking about what really matters and maybe finding a greater measure of identity and inner security in Christ? In our last Sunday School class before Covid-19 hit us, I said something like, “I…

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#1 – Introducing 10minas.net

Jesus spoke gently and kindly to children and to people in need, but He had high expectations and strong words for those who claim to be His disciples. In the 10minas blog you will be challenged to think critically about how seriously we are taking Him, and will be invited to engage with Him in…

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