#128 – “Help Needed!”
Revised Aug. 22.Regardless of our stance on the issues, if we want life and truth in the controversy and chaos of our Day we must go to the One who is Himself Life and Truth, and He invites us to come. Watch for three “streams” in these scriptures. First, that we take initiative to seek…
Read More#127 – “Truth Be Known”
The tricky thing about deception is that you don’t know when it’s happening. Deception is to Satan what love is to God. Satan IS deception as God IS love. Each is inseparable from their defining trait which directs everything they do and their reasons for doing it. The controversy, intimidation, manipulation, division, and death that…
Read More#126 – An Alarmist?
Was Jesus an alarmist? He said some alarming things about watching and being on the alert for His imminent but unannounced return. He instructed us to live here in constant anticipation of that dramatic moment, with awesome rewards for those who took Him seriously and awful consequences for those who didn’t. “Surprise – – I’m…
Read More#125 – Marked By His Glory
The Church that Jesus is building has an unmistakable glory. It is marked in ways that only His Presence, rule and power can produce. His glory, meaning His excellence and superiority, is exhibited in the Fruit of the Spirit; the Beatitudes; peace in any storm; holiness; love for others, and servant hearts, for example. And…
Read More#124 – How Could It Be?
I am newly reminded of how satisfied we Christians are with the religion of “church” as we know it. We are at ease, as in the days of Noah, with little apparent sense of impending danger. As the unbelievers couldn’t imagine rain and floods because they had never seen them before, many Christians and their…
Read More#123 – Shipwreck and the “Church”
The following was emailed to me at 2:18 this morning by a trustworthy sister whose eyes, ears and heart I trust. I see this speaking of the institutional church, not of America. Hi brother, I was awoken at 1:45 this morning with the strong sense that the “Church,” as represented by the “Titanic,” is sailing…
Read More#122 – Do We Believe that . . ..?, 2
We will remain restless beings as long as doubts linger about God accepting us into His Presence in the way that can fill our souls and make us complete. SO – –DO we truly believe that God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son so that whoever believes in Him would…
Read More#121 – Do We Believe that . .?
THE CHURCH. .Picking up from last time, Jesus had something very different in mind than what we typically see in America today when He established the Church and returned to the Father to build it in the hearts of men. The issue is not the organized church or its leaders, it is we who claim…
Read More#120 – Tricky Topics
TO START WITH. . .. . this belief and obedience topic can be tricky. Things are not always what they appear to be. Satan attempts to deceive us as we live in the world that he rules and in which the culture of his kingdom is the norm. It’s natural for us to accept it…
Read More#119 – The Rest of the Story, 3
GOD IS. . .God is all about being God. And He is all about having a “people” who are His special people among all the peoples of the earth. He wants to mark His people with His Presence. His glory. His supremacy over Satan. He wants to make life good for them – – to…
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