Posts by 10Minas Blog
#148 – It Was a Terrible Weekend – – But Wait – – !
Saturday morning I went down to the basement and saw water flowing out of the top of the hot water heater. This was BAD! BUT WAIT. It hadn’t even covered the entire floor yet. I had sooo much to be thankful for – – I mean, what if – -? “Deal with it.” But that…
Read More#147 – The Beautiful Attitudes
Godliness, the culture of the Kingdom of God which is entered through the narrow gate as we take up our cross daily and follow Jesus, is the most wonderful and fulfilling way to live. Nothing this world offers comes even close. Satan lies. In the Beatitudes, Jesus describes the character that develops naturally as we…
Read More#146 – Do Not Be Like the Horse Or the Mule – –
Psalm Thirty Two, Of David, niv 1) Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered.2) Blessed is the one whose sin the Lord does not count against them and in whose spirit is no deceit. 3) When I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long.4) For day and night your hand was heavy on me;my strength was…
Read More#145 – Today, Part 2
So, is America’s current administration and its degenerate policies simply “politics as usual,” or is it being allowed by a greater power as part of something bigger? And how about Covid-19? And wars, earthquakes, drought, forest fires, floods and the atrocities of radical Islam? And the fact that Christians around the world are being persecuted…
Read More#144 – Today, Part 1
Many professing Christ-followers are so fixated on American politics, and national and world events, and so vested in building their personal and religious kingdoms, that they can’t see God at work in our world. In spite of her abandonment of God and His ways, “America” isn’t the most pressing issue for her Christians. Rather, it…
Read More#143 – The “Go” Of Renunciation
(See By Oswald Chambers, MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST, Sept. 27, ——————– …someone said to Him, “Lord, I will follow You wherever You go.” * Our Lord’s attitude toward this man was one of severe discouragement, “for He knew what was in man.” ** We would have said, “I can’t imagine why He lost…
Read More#142 – The Pathway to A Reprobate Mind, Part 3
Jesus said, “I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.”* But haven’t the gates of hell overcome our voice for righteousness in America? ARE we Jesus’ Church as much as we like to think we are? Where WAS our influence in that sequence of court cases and moral decline?…
Read More#141 – The Pathway to A Reprobate Mind, Part 2
Picking up from Sept. 21, feminism’s rejection of God’s authority set the stage for the Jan. 22, 1973, Roe v Wade SCOTUS decision on abortion, which moved us toward their June 26, 2015 redefinition of marriage as we increasingly abandoned God’s laws. That decision opened the floodgates for a rush of heretofore unthinkable moral depravity…
Read More#140 – The Pathway to A Reprobate Mind, Part 1
Not long ago, rational thought processes drew from long-held moral and societal principles and led to logical, common-sense conclusions that set the standard in our society. History provided a reservoir of sound precedents that were respected. Today is different. Things no longer need to make sense. They are validated if they reflect the emotionally and…
Read More#139 – The Great Boat Lift of 9/11
Read this story, or at least look at the photos and captions, and let the spirit of it sink into you. As you do, ask yourself how different this was from the rescue mission that Jesus left with the Church. And ask if we are willing to rescue the lost and care for the…
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