#187 – Spiritual Gastric Lymphoma, Part 2

WORTH FIGHTING FORThe Gospel is glorious. The Church that Jesus established is glorious, but that glory is largely missing today and strongholds (previous post) have much to do with it. So, where are the saints who will pray for the Church? Not just your church but the one down the street that believes a bit…

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#186 – Spiritual Gastric Lymphoma, Part 1

Elaine’s gastric lymphoma led to a decreased appetite and thus to her receiving less nutrition, and to a bleeding ulcer and the loss of blood that would carry available nutrition and oxygen throughout her body. Something similar happens in churches when those with power use it in sinful ways. They can be of the pew…

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#185 – Immanuel – -, Update, Family Photos

IMMANUEL, GOD IS WITH US“Immanuel, God with us” takes on special meaning in times of need. It gives us a place to stand under Son-lit skies even when life events attempt to throw clouds over us. Jesus is our place of certainty amidst uncertainty that would otherwise overwhelm us. He heals our souls even as…

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#184 – Post-Infusion Update on Elaine

I am so excited to report that Elaine’s IV Infusion went extremely well. God is answering your prayers! They put us in Infusion Room 7, which seemed like a good place to start. We are so thankful that she has had no negative reactions to the five-hour treatment. None! They started with lab work, which…

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#183 – Answered Prayer, and Anointing

Our family was together Sunday evening (including the 11 great-grandsons), and after we ate, they gathered around Elaine and me for a time of prayer and speaking blessing over us. That’s something that money can’t buy. We see answers to their and your prayers and are encouraged by how Elaine is sleeping; that she is…

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#182 – Take Those Sneakers!

My younger sister Lin, from southeastern Pennsylvania, wrote this recently. ——————— Good morning, brother! As you and Elaine are working through her medical diagnosis, I thought you’d be encouraged by my recent lesson regarding God’s interest and care in even the smallest details of life. A few weeks ago we went on a three-day bus trip…

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#181 – Eyes

When we set the eyes of our hearts on things of the earth, we use scripture to help us satisfy our soul hunger in a fleshly way in our few years here, instead of how it can help us glorify God as we prepare for eternity in His Presence. If that sounds like pious pontification…

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#180 – Report on Elaine

We had a good visit with our oncologist this afternoon. Elaine has a 2” tumor on her small intestine that would block off the flow of food through there if it wasn’t treated, which could cause problems that I won’t describe here. It cannot be surgically removed. We are grateful for the process that God…

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#179 – Update on Elaine

We now know that it is gastric lymphoma (cancer of the lymph nodes) that caused Elaine’s recent bleeding ulcer. There are still many unknowns including just how advanced or treatable her particular lymphoma is and if it has spread from her stomach to other lymph nodes. We are scheduled for a Pet scan next Tuesday…

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#178 – Faith?

“Faith” is an especially popular topic in some Christian circles. Faith to “believe God” for what we want – – often for earthly things. But the faith of the heroes of Hebrews is altogether different. It is faith that if we honor and obey God, He will work things out for His glory and our…

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