25-9, Extraordinary Faith for – –

January 21, 2025 is a big day in several ways. For one, it is the first day for our new president to begin working on his agenda before the break of dawn.

This date is also the 500th anniversary of the Anabaptist Reformation, called the “Radical Reformation” for a reason – but that was then and this is now. The Anabaptist community (think Mennonite, Amish, Hutterite) has largely abandoned its Biblical heritage.

And finally, for our family personally, January 21 is the sixth anniversary of the death of Brian in a horrific airplane accident right here at the family airport. Brian was the second adult son whom Elaine and I lost and it hurt deeply. Such events can challenge ones’ faith.

The popular “faith” that Christians often speak of is selfish and shallow. It is faith to get what we want without regard to the purposes of the Father and it won’t suffice in these End Times.

Soon after Brian’s passing God spoke these strong but counterintuitive words to me.

The deeper the darkness,
The greater the mystery,
The more quickly we must release it to the Father,
Or we’ll drive ourselves crazy trying to figure it out.

Faith that isn’t God-oriented isn’t Biblical faith. It’s only human attempt at blessing-harvesting to satisfy our hungry or hurting souls. But these are extraordinary times, and extraordinary times require Biblical faith. Faith whose objective, and source of empowerment, are very different from the faith we often speak of.

Faith in God Himself that empowers us to surrender to His rule and to live and serve for His glory regardless of circumstances, is the only faith that can enable the Church to serve God well regardless of future events in our nation and world; or empower Anabaptists to return to their Biblical roots; or enable us to live well and bear fruit in difficult times.

Our Hebrews 10:32-39 and Hebrews 11 heroes of faith modeled extraordinary, unconditional faith and trust in God Himself that empowered them to serve Him whether they were set free, or tortured, or died a horrible death. Nothing less than such transformational faith will be enough for you and me in these Last Days. Who will follow Christ as they did?

Ken Stoltzfus
Kidron, Ohio USA
January 21, 2025 
#9 in a series.
Printable pdf at: www.10minas.net/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/25-9.pdf

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