24-6, Countdown to 500, Anabaptist Reformation II?

You know that I join those who see difficulties ahead for America. Our nation is in trouble and the Church is not prepared to serve God in the mighty harvest that many envision in that time.

Sure, we know how to make good Baptists, Mennonites, Methodists or name your brand, but are we ready to disciple them into becoming authentic followers of Jesus? I think not.

While the need for repentance applies broadly to the Church in America, “Countdown to 500, Anabaptist Reformation II?” was written in light of the January 21, 2025, 500th anniversary of the Anabaptist Reformation, the “Radical Reformation” that birthed the Mennonites, Amish, Hutterites and others.

My premise is that any celebration of Anabaptism’s 500th will be incomplete if it does not include a call to repentance. As others have, we Anabaptists have become quite satisfied with our belief system, religious practices and other supposed marks of spirituality and are not prepared to serve God and each other well in the coming troubles.

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Those of all faith communities can benefit from this booklet, and you can download and print it free or buy printed copies as shown on the inside front cover.

I love Jesus and His Church deeply, but He has given me an “eye” to see the Life of His Kingdom alongside today’s church amidst our threatening national and global, political, spiritual, moral, economic and natural phenomena.

The books “An Invitation Into THE GOOD LIFE” and “BOOKENDS, A Truth that Matters” (see recent posts), also speak into the need for repentance in the larger Body of Christ and please consider them as well. I don’t qualify to judge anyone, but I can’t say what He has given me without speaking strongly.

If we don’t feel a need for repentance, we should probably review the standards that Jesus set for His disciples and compare our fruit with the fruit of those who followed Him in those ways. It might have to begin by us admitting our need, and then pleading with God for a spirit of repentance among us.

Let’s seek Him together!

Ken Stoltzfus
Kidron, OH
Aug. 15, 2024
CLICK https://www.10minas.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/24-6.pdf for a printable pdf of this post

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