Hopefully you are aware of what is happening at Asbury University, and now other university campuses. I don’t know what was going on there just before this revival broke out, but it seems apparent that it is orchestrated by the hand of God Himself.
I have been skeptical about some of the “revivals” in recent years, where the focus is more on sign and wonders than on life-altering repentance, but this seems to be authentic.
The responsibility for America’s demise rests squarely at the feet of we who call ourselves “Christian,” yet have loved the world too much to be the Mt. 5:13-16 salt and light that would have preserved and guided our land in these Last Days. We love to quote the “heal our land” promise of II Chron. 7:14 https://biblehub.com/2_chronicles/7-14.htm while arrogantly overlooking the “if my people” condition that precedes it.
Biblical revival among American Christians is the only hope for our land. If we have fallen too far for America to be restored, our repentance and revival would at least sustain us personally through hardship and make us lights in the darkness for others. Either way would glorify God, and that is our highest priority. Isn’t it?
“Trouble” is already here but much worse is coming. Maybe it’s time for some all-night prayer meetings. Here are links to some articles on revival; our need for it; how it can happen; and what Biblical revival would look like.
– BIBLICAL REVIVAL: www.10minas.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Biblical-Revival.pdf
– A DAY OF REPENTANCE, RECONCILIATION AND RESTORATON: www.john2031.com/prophetic_9-11/a_day_of_repentance.html
– THIS HAS BEEN THE DAY OF GRACE BUT – -: www.john2031.com/prophetic_9-11/pro8.html
– A PRAYER OF THE SAINTS: www.john2031.com/2020/apots.html
– THE DIVIDING LINE: www.john2031.com/books/tcb/7.pdf
– WORDS OF CORRECTION, LEADING TO REPENTANCE: www.john2031.com/2020/words2.html
– THE NEW LOOK, Part VI in THE COSMIC BATTLE And the American Christian: www.john2031.com/books/tcb/main.html
And there’s more at: www.john2031.com/site_map_inspiration.html
If we think that the apocalyptic fire, smoke and carnage at East Palestine, Ohio is ominous, be assured that “we haven’t seen anything yet.” www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufHUVg_ZGwI
Ken Stoltzfus
Feb. 17, 2023
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