#99 – Adventures in the Kingdom

Well, we did it! Last Sunday evening seven gathered in our condo living room as the Body of Christ. The Church. Hours flew by in what seemed like minutes.

Two were formerly strangers to Elaine and me, and none of the others had met before. We were, within minutes, “as one” as God’s Spirit in each recognized the same in others and we connected despite the diversity in age and life-experiences.

Finger foods were brought by all, and folks engaged immediately as they ate, introducing themselves and learning to know their new brothers and sisters.

And then meaningful exchange on our sense of our Day and discussing the theme of Heb. 10:32-39 and chapter 11. We had a common concern to be prepared for difficult things to come and felt the need for more time in the Word, in prayer, and in developing trust relationships.

There were potentially controversial topics where we could have separated but nobody felt the need to go there. And why would we? (Total deaths of those with Covid-19, and the survival rate, are both inarguable statistics which shape one’s thinking and create differences which are secondary to our being together, and which we won’t resolve anyway.*)

Elaine’s and my preparation was simple, including providing coffee and water, plates, cups, napkins and plastic-ware, hand sanitizer, a roll of paper towels in the restroom and organizing seating. Not a big deal.

Each contributed openly to others from beginning to end, including a wonderful prayer time.

Maybe some or all of us will gather again and maybe not, but that such fellowship can happen among strangers is a testimony to what it means to be the Church. Others had expressed an interest in joining us but had schedule conflicts. We’ll see where that goes.

In the meantime, there’s no reason that you can’t do it! DO it!!

Ken Stoltzfus
Kidron, OH USA
June 17, 2021

*In the future, out of respect for those who are concerned, I’d let people know that Elaine and I have not been vaccinated but would not drive a point on that.

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  1. Michael Stoltzfus on June 17, 2021 at 4:36 pm

    Leslie and I are sorry we missed the gathering. We look forward to joining y’all next… God willing

    • 10Minas Blog on June 20, 2021 at 7:34 pm

      Thanks Mike. We missed having you and will keep you posted if/when we do something like that again. We’re not sure where God is taking us but we do have a sense of being on an adventure! We are blessed by the sense of your and Leslie’s partnership in that.

  2. LA on June 17, 2021 at 7:37 pm

    How do you get christian people to stop talking about masks, being a true patriot and political actions and instead focus on scripture and prayer?

    • 10Minas Blog on June 20, 2021 at 7:41 pm

      They will keep talking about those things as long as their personal identity is as an American more than as a follower of Jesus. That goes deep into who we are and shapes our response to much of life because the former if of the world and the latter of the Kingdom of Heaven. Ken

      • LA on June 20, 2021 at 11:24 pm

        Your words reminded me of Hebrews 11:13, 13:14 Thank you Ken.

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