#276 – This is the Day For . . .

This is the Day for the daring. The Day for those of true faith to dare to partner with God as He moves sovereignly in these Last Days for the sake of His Name and for those who don’t yet know Him. The Day for those with the courage of adventure to dare to reach beyond the melancholy nature of typical contemporary Christendom.

   Lackadaisical faith is no faith at all, tho it is often taken to be so. It is mere religion and without the gusto that characterizes true followers of Christ. Gusto that comes from the empowerment of His very presence in His followers. Gusto that extends the hands of Jesus through those in whom He dwells.

This is the Day for believing, too. For believing that Jesus is truly the Son of God Who is embodied in His followers. That is, in those who have laid down their own lives and taken up their cross to follow Him in the holiness and life-mission that represent Him, as in Luke 9:23-26 and I Corinthians 1:18 – 2:16.

   It is the holiness and life-mission that express the Father’s heart in bringing humanity back into harmony with Himself through His Son. The holiness and life-mission that the Son embraced in obedience to the Father, and which His true followers will embrace in obedience to Him – and the absence of which disqualifies one from being a true follower.

And this is the Day for the dissatisfied. Those who are tired of the fake spirituality of institutional religion that is more of form than of faith. More of man than of God. More given to good works than to God’s work. More given to temples made by man for his comfort and glory than to giving themselves to becoming temples of the Holy Ghost for His glory.

   And tired of finding more of their identity in their distinctive beliefs and forms than in being “A chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s possession who proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called them out of darkness into His marvelous light. Those who were formerly not His people but are now the people of God who have received His mercy. (From I Peter 2:9-11)

Infidels are still infidels no matter how much spiritual cologne they douse upon themselves – and eternity will confirm that God knows the difference.

Ken Stoltzfus
Kidron, Ohio USA
February 19, 2023

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