25-7, The Musk Factor

When the most powerful man in the world invites the richest man in the world whose Starlink program will soon offer communication to every corner of the earth, and who is a front-runner in AI development including his Neuralink brain chip, and a leader in other technology like outer space exploration, it’s easy to see how all of the ingredients for the fulfillment of end-time prophecy will soon be in place.

Blend into that a world that feels hopeless and out of control in the face of wars, famine, earthquakes, wildfires, floods , disease – and mysterious drones and other objects and events in the heavens, and you have a setup for the one-world government that scripture speaks of and which the UN and others dream of. They are salivating at how things are being set up for their agenda.

Who would argue that the ability to develop Artificial Intelligence, and then the results of AI itself including ChatGPT, don’t represent the “increase of knowledge” of Daniel 12:7. Or that the “many shall run back and forth” can speak of exploring outer space. Or that the development of image/video generation AI doesn’t have the capacity to represent the deception of the Last Days. Or that Elon Musk doesn’t represent all of these and that he is being given a seat alongside the most powerful man in the world.

I am NOT saying that President Trump and Elon Musk have sinister motives – only that as they do what they do best it is setting the world stage for devious actors who are waiting backstage. They may be “big” in our eyes but they are little in God’s, and are merely tools in His hand for our Day. HE is giving them power to do the things they do – for His purposes. Church, be alert!

Everything is under control. Nothing could happen today or tomorrow or this year or this decade, that could surprise or overwhelm our God. It will all play out according to the plans of the Sovereign God whom we may choose to serve, and when we do, everything else diminishes in its ability to impact us negatively.

PEACE to you!

Ken Stoltzfus
Kidron, Ohio USA
January 19, 2025
Printable pdf at: www.10minas.net/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/25-7-Musk-.pdf

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