I am offering three books including two new ones, and will be posting them here one at a time. The first is “An Invitation into THE GOOD LIFE”, and I think you’ll love it.
THE GOOD LIFE is an invitation into the abundant life that Jesus won for us on the cross and in His resurrection. It is the life that we were created for and is the only means to true fulfillment. This life is to be the norm in the Church as a way of glorifying God and drawing sinners to Himself, and for our own joy.
I am not speaking of the “health, wealth and prosperity” false doctrine of some modern-day religious cultures, but of the life that accompanies the Spirit-to-spirit intimacy that the truly born again, Spirit-filled and surrendered believer has with our Father in heaven. He is the only source of the life that our souls passionately seek.
THE GOOD LIFE speaks much of our need to live in the awareness of daily, and even moment-by-moment choices in the process of following Jesus. I view free-will not only as the opportunity to choose to receive the gift of eternal life, but as a responsibility to then actively pursue the II Corinthians 3:18 and Romans 12:2 transformation that leads to our becoming more and more like Jesus.
Such a journey will cost us everything but is like buying pure gold for a penny an ounce. It is the only way to be prepared for our soon-coming troubles, and actually, according to Matthew 7:21-23 – – the only way to hear our Lord’s “Welcome!” on that Day. (Is that scary for today’s Church, or not?)
Supplement II considers free-will and Calvinism’s predestination, and how each belief system and its culture impact the likelihood of our experiencing John 10:10 abundant life. Supplement III includes over 100 scriptures that are referenced through the book. Price is $7.99
You can order it at www.mygospelbookstore.com/product/9798989946013 (click), and the attached pdf (click to read and/or download) has more details on the three books and links to where you can buy them locally and online. You can also buy them directly from me if you are local, but I don’t mail them. Also, I need to find someone local who sells on Amazon. Any ideas?
God be with you!
April 27, 2024