Excerpt D from Chap. 2 in FOR HIS GLORY
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A Fresh Start
Please take time now to read https://biblia.com/bible/niv2011/romans/5/6-21. Think about how far Adam and Eve “fell,” from life in the Garden to the darkness of Satan’s world, and note the four times that “much more than” describes Jesus’ work as compared to that.
Wow, could we dare to believe that the effect of our redemption in Christ is “much more than” the effect of their fall? I suspect that few of us do.
Jesus did not do just enough to help us “squeak by” so we could escape hell when we die. His work was enough to defeat Satan’s power over us and to fully satisfy our soul-hunger in communion with the Father in the life of His Kingdom.
Paul writes, “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” (I Cor. 2:9 kjv) And the life that he prays for in Col. 1:9-14 is for today, for those who believe in Jesus!
Read Rom. 5:17 again. “Receive” there is in the Greek sense that means “to lay hold by aggressively (actively) accepting what is available (offered).” Strong’s 2983. God doesn’t just dump it on us when we confess our sins. We must repent, releasing our grip on the world and reaching out in humble faith to take hold of this new life. But first we must believe.This is consistent with the God-man relationship in general. Sovereign God offers Eternal Life to all, but receiving it and entering into the abundance of His Kingdom through the narrow gate is our choice.
FOR HIS GLORY is about Father God’s provision for us and how we can experience it as citizens of His Kingdom. I fear we know so little of it because of ignorance, unbelief or apathy and our satisfaction with what the world offers.
Ken Stoltzfus
Kidron, Ohio USA
March 28, 2022
CLICK HERE for a printable pdf of Excerpt D.