#198 – Feb. 3 Update on Elaine – Infusion, Anointing, Mustard

Elaine has made wonderful progress the past couple of weeks. She doesn’t use her walker at all and is helping more and more around the house. Praise God!

Four elders came Tuesday evening to anoint her with oil and pray for healing. It was a beautiful time and we have absolute faith that God heard their prayers and will move according to His good purposes.

We had another uneventful infusion today. This was number seven, and one to go. The numbers on her bloodwork remain encouraging. The roads were messy with a mixture of snow and freezing rain but it worked out well.

The photo portrays what is known in medical terms as “The B-effect.” lol They give Elaine Benadryl by IV at the beginning to minimize reactions to the Rituxan and it really knocks her out for a while.

And do you see that little yellow condiment pack there? That’s an over-the-counter miracle anti-cramp drug whose generic name is “Mustard.” Elaine was getting cramps in her legs so I got her some in the kitchen. When she gets them at home at night, she goes out and gets mustard, which immediately cures them.

Story. I carry some mustard for her in my travel bag, and some years ago while in Seattle I realized I didn’t have any.

I pulled into a Burger King drive-through and ordered an iced tea and three mustards. When the kid at the next window handed me the tea there was no mustard, so I asked again. When he gave it to me, I asked if he had ever tried mustard in iced tea, and he said “No.” He gave me quite a look when I said “You need to try it some time.”

Life is good. We are blessed even though we have challenges in several aspects of life. We rest in “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deut. 31:8 niv.

Ken Stoltzfus
Kidron, Ohio USA
Feb. 3, 2022          

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